Lithuania-Sakartvelo business women forum, May 15-19, 2019
Women from Lithuanian organization International Business Women Network together with representatives from the Parliament of Lithuania visited Sakartvelo on business related matters. Business mission lasted for five days. All together with our members of the Parliament Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė, Aušrinė Norkienė and Vida Ačienė IBWN members had a tense program starting with official meetings as well as visiting historical places of Sakartvelo.
The main purpose of this business mission was to present and share the economic growth of Lithuania and present the women involvement in creating, running business, providing jobs. IBWN seeks to help women find contacts, find collaboration opportunities and inspire other women to follow their dreams of starting their own businesses and developing them into foreign countries. It has been agreed to develop the collaborative relationship between our two countries and women organizations. International business women forum will be organized in the Parliament of Lithuania this coming autumn.

IBWN and Lithuanian Parliament members participated in Lithuanian-Sakartvelo business women forum, which was organized by IBWN and UN Women Georgia. Various presentation were presented and round table discussions held. This event was in a spotlight by local media. IBWN President Laura Kovaliovaitė was invited to give interview for local news and television shows.

Lithuanian delegation had a wonderful opportunity to visit Georgian companies that are lead by women. Many interesting topics where discussed – such as working conditions, salaries, business development opportunities and etc. IBWN organization was presented in every meeting, women were invited to use IBWN network to look for possibilities to do business abroad, find partners, share experiences, inspire other women to establish their own businesses and overcome any challenges that might come along.